abcd Sub-Saharan Africa Initiatives

i would like to share with you an active abcd user community in Zimbabwe, you can follow and join on the following link;
Zimbabwean libraries have been manipulating abcd and the general ISIS technologies family since the early 90s. as follows
CDS/ISIS DOS (most difficult for librarians)
CDS/ISIS for Windows (winisis)
abcd (integrated and not for the geek)
we have held several skills transfer training at varying levels such as Operational and Technical.
some of us have had the opportunity to be tutored by the ISIS technologies gurus such as Prof. Egbert de Smet and Peter Hessels at Eduardo Modhlane University Maputo Mozambique a couple of years back.
some of us are still actively involved in abcd skills transfer for big institutions such as the Pedagogical University (UP) Mozambique in all its 11 provinces.
some of us have gone to share this experience not only in Zimbabwe but some SADC countries and this is evidenced by our active social facebook platform.
so am extending a hand to all colleagues in sub-Saharan Africa to network, collaborate and form synergies for further manipulation and development of abcd ILS.
we welcome skills transfer initiatives and i believe we now have some of the abcd expertise and having Prof. Egbert de Smet will be an added advantage.
let's be pro-active in our abcd endeavors and be visible, we can start here
and see how it goes.


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