
Showing posts from April, 2015

World Book and Copyright Day

Today, 23 April 2015, is World Book and Copyright Day, also known as World Book Day, World Book Days or International Day of the Book. Notably, it is the anniversary of the birth and deaths of several revered authors including William Shakespeare. The day is set aside to celebrate books and reading, to raise awareness of the importance of reading and of libraries and, to distribute books to communities. World Book day is also about reading for pleasure and how books offer a pathway to the reader to, imagine, experience, create, discover, explore and to share. As the poem by ‘The Reading Mother’ by Strickland Gillian illustrates, reading, being read to and having books represents untold wealth. Read a book today, go out and read to your family, friends or even strangers and, share a book.

What’s The Most Frustrating Misconception People Have About Librarians?

It’s not all shawls and shushing. Librarians are heroes and best friends to readers, of all ages, around the world.  read on.......

Is studying Library Science a bad Idea?

YES! Librarianship is a Discipline Worth Studying for as a Profession Dear Fellow Librarians My contributions on the importance of studying for librarianship as a career are based on the following: Librarianship to me is a profession worth studying for and I can base my arguments on the journey that i have travelled working for several organizations as a librarian in various capacities of librarianship. The survival of Librarianship in Zimbabwe is to me dependent upon whether government views librarianship as a critical professional sector and this should be reflected in the country's education system where the teaching of librarianship should be promoted. We have universities such NUST, ZOU and the Harare Polytechnic teaching Librarianship at diploma and degree levels. This to me is a reflection on the importance of Librarianship in the Zimbabwean context. The viability of Librarianship in Zimbabwe also depends in my view on a strong Library National Association in the c...

Zimbabwe Library Association 49th Indaba

Zimbabwe Library Association 49th Indaba  -  Kariba June 23-25, 2015: Theme: Libraries driving the economy: a 21st century trajectory follow us on facebook