
Showing posts from 2014

The Librarian: Library Association crafting a Strategic Plan

The Librarian: Library Association crafting a Strategic Plan : The Zimbabwe Library Association (ZimLA) recently held its annual conference and Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Victoria Falls from 23 to ...

Doris Lessing bequeathes her library

I'm super impressed to learn that Doris Lessing, the Nobel Prize-winning author, has donated her entire personal collection of over 3,000 books to the Harare City Library. Doris Lessing, the Nobel Prize-winning author, has donated her entire personal collection of over 3,000 books to the Harare City Library in Zimbabwe and her executors have asked Book Aid International to help. During her life, Lessing was a strong supporter of Book Aid International, so we are particularly glad to be able to help carry out her wishes.

ZimLA fb 1000th Mark!!!!

Yes we did it!!! Yes we can still surpass and achieve more After 3+ years we recently hit the 1000th membership mark. Established in early 2010 with me as founder administrator alongside the ZimLA revival team #HarrietNcube #HoseaTokwe #LanternFusire #EllaMoyo #EdwinMadziwo #KennethMangemba #ArielMuvhunzwi,this group has confounded all critics. Membership cuts across all imaginable divides such as age, sex, religion, qualifications, affiliations, students, employed, unemployed, culture, regional, diaspora, award winning librarians,straight-jacketed librarians, library assistants, techno savvy librarians,, academic librarians, government librarians, documentalists,infoprenuers, information officers, knowledge managers, records managers, archival world, semi retired, retired, backbenchers, aggressive, proactive, talkative, selfish, dumb, the rich, the poor, the usual unwelcome hackers, electronics, herbal sales gurus. In short a POTPOURRI!!! The group has been and largely remains unm...