
Showing posts from 2012

The Role of ZimLA in advocacy for democracy

Advocacy is a generic term and we will attempt to expound on it. Advocacy is to advocate and that is to speak on behalf. Advocacy is also someone who positively argues on behalf of another. Advocacy is not only confined to our LIS profession; it can be used in all spheres of life. What this presentation intends to do is to orient and introduce this much debated term and its relevance to the LIS sector. We have been debating about advocacy day in and day out, conference after conference. The reason is one and that is things are not all rosy in the library sector. Advocacy remains a challenge throughout. That means advocacy is for you and me. It should be our role as library workers, members of ZimLA, special interest groups or consortia, NLDS to make sure that we support and promote the democratic rights of library workers in their endeavor to create, acquire, organize and disseminate information without fear or favour or interference. We need to stand up as library workers an... Twitterer @zim_la

Change!!! Professional Growth the ZimLA Experience

Abstract: Massive change in the Library Information Service (LIS) industry is currently taking place, whether by choice or design. In a changing world we must create enabling environments that promote strong development to ensure a viable future and a professional association that provides benefits to all its membership. Professional organisation is an essential component of this enabling environment. It must be in line with with the association's strategy and values. Drastic in member expectations, behaviour and technological development makes it even more important to form the association's identity and prioritize our activities. Professional organisation, strategy and values go hand in hand with the development process, that is National development. Member participation in the development process produces a climate that is creative and conducive to ensuring future successes. The thrust of this article it attempts to evaluate or equate the Zimbabwe Library Associat...