
Showing posts from 2010

Librarianship & Stereotyping

This article originally appeared in thge Herald of July 2010 Librarians do rock...and party too!!! Firstly I would like to say I'm proud to be a Librarian and I love the L sign. Thank you for the weekly feature 'the Arena with Hildegarde', and would like to register that I'm a keen follower since the day colleagues' mentioned 'kuti anga ari Librarian' and the rest is history. So all along I've been pondering on how to formally approach Tendai to push and advocate the cause of us librarians. Coincidentally on the day of publication of the article "Librarians: Censors or info organizers?" two most important ZimLA branch elections were taking place in Mashonaland and Matebeleland the very same afternoon and what a refreshing and inspirational precursor in our association's revival quest. For the record ZimLA had been dormant for the last six or so years. Now to the article itself, Hildegarde raises very pertinent issues which I feel needs...

ICTs and HIV/AIDS Literacy: Appropriate tools and applications for an effective information dissemination service for Zimbabwean libraries

Author: Bhowa tg, Infoprenuer, zimisis http://facebook/ © Bhowa tg 2010 Abstract Thrust- the thrust of this article is to describe the effective use of appropriate ICTs to disseminate preventive health care information in arresting the vagaries of HIV/AIDS epidemic in Zimbabwe. The role of libraries and documentation/information centres in increasing HIV/AIDS awareness are discussed. Finally, a variety of recommendations are offered and the conclusion is drawn that libraries and information professionals must develop HIV/AIDS literacy programmes where possible by manipulating appropriate ICT tools and applications. Methodology/approach: Literature search, web site information and personal interaction with key persons associated with various HIV/AIDS awareness projects. Findings: The generality of Zimbabwean population is very knowledgeable about HIV/AIDS, its modes of transmission, ways to avoid i...